After my first year of pharmacy school, I have greatly
increased my use of databases and online resources. I have never utilized
resources as much as I have this year, or with as much efficiency. Starting
pharmacy school, it was very daunting to me to think of all the information
pharmacist must inherently know as they enter the workforce. Now that I am a year
in, I realize there are so many resources out there to help us along the way.
Pharmacist must both be knowledgeable of drug information but also know how to
be able to quickly extrapolate drug information from resources when we are
asked questions outside our scope of knowledge.
In addition to increasing my comfort level with drug information
databases, I have also enjoyed access to pharmacy journals. I subscribe to the
American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy and IPA Journal. Both of these resources
are great ways to stay current with the profession through research and
professional editorials. I look forward to continuing to utilize drug
information resources and expand my knowledge of research in order to be an
asset to a health care team centered on evidence based practice.